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Wool Breast Pads

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10-12-15cm, Mod-heavy Absorbency

small breast pads

Wool nursing pads are highly absorbent and soft enough to conform to the shape of your body, reducing visibility under clothing.

If you have two pairs of wool breast pads, you can air out one pair while wearing the other, reducing the amount of washing that you need to do.

  • Diameter - select 10cm, 12cm, 15cm
  • 2 or 3 layers: all unbleached, undyed wool interlock

Price per pair:

10 cm: $10 - $12

12 cm: $12 - $14

15 cm: $15 - $18

Suitable wool fabric for these breast pads is currently out of stock. If you have wool items that you would like me to repurpose, please email me to discuss.

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